
If you are...
A sponsor wanting to donate a device to a braillebuddy

Please browse the list of braillebuddies and pick a buddy you'd like to sponsor (you can also leave it up to us to provide a device to the buddy who has been waiting the longest, or pick a random buddy for you)
Please go to our "SHOP" page and submit an order for the device you'd like to send as if you were purchasing it for yourself (You should use your own address for billing and shipping address. For the privacy or our braillebuddies, we do not disclose their shipping address)
During check-out, please follow the below structure for completing the "Additional Information" field:
(a) Select "Yes, recipient is blind"
(b) Select "Yes, I'd like to sponsor a braillebuddy"
(c) Fill out the "Sponsor Information" box with YOUR information (as much or as little as you'd like to share, you may consider sharing your name, location, background story, or leave it blank if you'd like to remain anonymous)
(d)  Fill out the "Name of braillebuddy" box with the name from our braillebuddy list, or type "longest waiting" to send to the buddy who has been waiting the longest, or leave blank and we will select a buddy for you!
(e) Select "Yes, I confirm" to indicate that all information provided is true
Once we've processed your order, we will match you with a braillebuddy and send you an invoice for your donation!